Smile Authority's dental care package is your one-stop-shop to a healthier set of teeth. These guys aren't just offering a measly little checkup. With this deal, you get a dental exam, X-rays, full cleaning, cosmetic consultation, oral cancer screening, and a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) evaluation. It's a full root to gum, molar to tongue oral health-care process. But just in case the mention of the word "dentist" sends you running in the other direction, keep in mind that the professionals at Smile Authority are not your average mouth doctors. No scary waiting rooms, guilt trips about flossing (but really, you should be flossing), or apathy towards how long they've been forcing you to endure them jabbing away at your incisor. Nope. The dentists with Smile Authority believe in making your visit as pleasant as possible and actually use that oft-forgotten skill called "bed-side manner"- meaning, they're just nice people. Plus, they're stringent in their professional and certification standards, so you'll know that person digging around in your mouth has had only the best and up-to-date training around. Can you think of anything else you could want from a dentist visit? Didn't think so.
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