Friday, April 8, 2011

50% off Admission to a 2-Hour Historic Cruise on the USS Potomac
Today's Daily Steal
USS Potomac
April 08, 2011

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Daily Steal: USS Potomac See the deal on HomeRun »
$22.50 for Admission to a 2-Hour Historic Cruise on the USS Potomac ($45 value)
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$22.50 Get the deal!
Value Discount Savings
$45 50% $22.50
USS Potomac
540 Water Street, Oakland, CA 94607

The Situation

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was one intelligent dude. Not only did he help save the U.S. Economy while defending the entire free world from fascism, he also sailed his very own presidential yacht. Now you can enjoy the Bay from aboard the U.S.S. Potomac: it's time to party like it's 1939.

The Lowdown

Known as the "Floating White House," the U.S.S. Potomac has a long and storied past. After serving as FDR's Presidential Yacht, it had many a famous owner (including Elvis Presley), before being used as a front to one of San Francisco's most notorious drug-smuggling rings in the 1980's. Since her more nefarious days, the Potomac has since been restored to her former glory. During your two-hour cruise aboard the 165-foot long yacht, you will learn more about this fascinating history while also getting a spectacular tour of San Francisco's most extraordinary landmarks. The cruise begins with a short 15-minute video that details FDR's administration and his impact on the Bay. Then, set sail past the Port of Oakland and underneath the Bay Bridge (with a close-up view of its ongoing construction), before passing Treasure Island and entering the Raccoon Strait. You'll get stunning views of the city, the East Bay, both bridges, Alcatraz, and much, much more. The cruises begin in Jack London Square and take place on alternating Thursdays and Saturdays (see the schedule for more information). Ahoy!


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